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Alien Abductee Claims "They Made Me Design Furniture"

Tod Scroatmeyer was driving home from Ikea when his car was enveloped in a bright light. Blinded and scared, Tod pulled to the side and got out of his car and was lifted into the air towards the light. When he opened his eyes he was inside some sort of craft, and there were several tall grey aliens staring at him with large black eyes. He began to hear their voices, but their lips weren't moving. They asked him to design a nice sectional unit for their ship and they handed him some sort of drawing tablet. Tod feared for his life, so using his finger he quickly drew out something he'd just seen at Ikea. The aliens looked at the sketch and nodded approvingly. Tod then felt himself going unconscious and when he awoke, he was back in his car as if nothing ever happened. Tod has never been back to Ikea since that fateful day.

Nigh Talkers


NIGHT TALKERS helps you separate the fiction from the fact. Enjoy podcasts, articles and events that will keep you informed of the latest conspiracies and all things supernatural or mysterious.

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06/25/22:  Contact In The Dessert

11/6/23:  Video Art Around The World


11/29/23:  Lecture: History of Art


12/1/23:  Installations 2023 Indie Film Festival

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